Is a family resource and support program that offers home visitation to high risk families during pregnancy, after delivery and up to a child’s third birthday.  Their focus is on first time mothers but other women may be included if many risk factors are present and there are openings in the program.  Some risk factors may be single, under the age of 21, homeless, in an abusive relationship, family problems, etc.  Mary Mousseau oversees the program on Pine Ridge and has 32 clients located across the reservation.   Mary also takes baby clothing and other donations from our partner groups to the local WIC office for women using those services.

Many of Mary’s clients don’t have running water which makes it more difficult to keep babies clean.  Lack of resources is one of the reasons for child abuse, tensions rise as mothers may feel guilty for not being able to provide for their baby who may have come along unexpected.  Having the needed resources also means moms can start focusing on the task at hand which is providing proper care for their baby and themselves, making sure they’re keeping up with healthcare and taking advantage of WIC for healthy food and other resources to help them have a healthy, happy baby.  The South Dakota Office of Child and Family Services provides a Pack n Play (with two covers) to those families unable to provide a safe sleeping environment for their infant, a Bright Start nurse gives safe sleeping education during home visits.  South Dakota has a high incidence of SIDS and unsafe sleeping environments is one of the leading causes and is preventable with the proper education.  Mary says most of her clients are trying to breastfeed, the ideal nutritional source for a baby and economical for low income women.   Mothers who fully or partially (mostly) breastfeed their infants are eligible to participate in WIC for up to one year after giving birth.

Mary helps build a strong network of support for her clients, many are teens living in isolated areas which puts them at a higher risk for developing postpartum depression.  Home visits are vital during the first month after delivery so she can identify depression or any developmental problems with the new baby so treatment can begin early for the best outcome.   New mothers going to school or working are given preference for daycare services and placement in Head Start for their children so they can finish their education and/or work to help support their families.

How We Help

Lakota Friends Circle sends monthly shipments of diapers, wipes, sanitary items and toiletries for Mary’s clients. Most women can’t afford to buy these items. Please help Mary’s clients with their basic needs by donating here with a one time or recurring monthly donation noting “Bright Start” in the comments box. Thank You!

Our Partner Groups provide Mary with clothing, blankets, toys, books for babies and makeup bags, nail polish, hair items and other special gifts for mothers. You can read more about their projects here.

 Bright Start

Mary Mousseau, RN, BSN Bright Start

         29821 Hwy 18 North

        Pine Ridge, SD 57770


          Mary Mousseau, RN, BSN

          Bright Start, SD DOH

          17691 US Hwy 18 East

          Pine Ridge, SD  57770


Bright Start is not a 501(c)(3), if you need a tax receipt include in your shipment a list of your donations with a SASE with instructions to sign, date and return in the envelope.  Notify us and Lakota Friends Circle can send you a formal donation letter.