Wanblee Community

The small community of Wanblee (“eagle” in Lakota) is located in Jackson County, South Dakota about 100 miles NE (map) of the village of  Pine Ridge, the central district of the reservation and home of tribal government agencies. Because of it’s relative isolation from the center of the reservation, people in Wanblee don’t have access to the same resources as those living in the more central areas. Most donations from charitable organizations are taken to Pine Ridge for distribution which means those in outlying just do without as they don’t have the means to travel into town.

Food is always an issue in Wanblee as it is on reservations across the US. Most residents rely on food stamps (SNAP) and commodities, provided by the USDA’s Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR). Commodities may last a few days or a week at the most and food stamps don’t go very far if folks are shopping at the local convenience store/gas station where fresh foods and meat are in short supply and convenience foods and snack/junk foods abound. Those that are lucky enough to have transportation make the 200 mile round trip to shop at Walmart in Rapid City.

Another major issue for families is affording propane to heat their homes. Winter temperatures can dip below -30 and in homes with little or no insulation and ill fitting or missing windows and doors, keeping your family warm is a constant battle. The federal government’s LIHEAP program does provide some assistance but the program is severely underfunded and funds are available on a first come first serve basis. Families are faced with the decision of buying food or propane, they can’t afford both.

How We Help

Lakota Friends Circle works with community leaders Jerome and Theresa High Horse. We provide funding for the distribution of food from organizations “Running Strong For American Indian Youth” and “Native American Heritage Association” (NAHA). We also provide funding to distribute firewood, maintain chainsaws, and provide warm clothing for the “Woodchucks”, a local group of men who volunteers their time to cut wood for the community.

Both Jerome and Theresa grew up on Pine Ridge and know first hand the many hardships people face every day. They moved back to Wanblee after Jerome retired from his engineering job in Texas in 2010 and since then have tirelessly served their people, finding food, diapers, clothing and other resources many times taking from their own pockets. They are the “go to” people for those needing help in Wanblee.

If you would like to support the distribution of food and wood in the Wanblee area please make a donation here and specify “Wanblee” in the comments box. Thank You!

Wanblee Child, Youth and Elder Program

Attn: Theresa and Jerome High Horse

Kennedy Hall Community Center

147 SD HWY 44 (or PO Box 317 if using USPS)

Wanblee SD 57577