White Buffalo Calf Women’s Society, was founded in 1977 on Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota as a non-profit organization and in 1980 became the first women’s shelter on an Indian Reservation in the US. They provide services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. They can provide safe shelter for up to 36 women and children, they also serve teens ages 11-21 and men who’ve been abused. Men are provided safe shelter at local hotels.

WBCWS also provides counseling, daycare and transportation, advocates to assist with legal, medical, housing and other issues and they maintain a crisis hotline. Support groups are offered for domestic violence for shelter residents and those from the community as well, where there are opportunities to learn traditional crafts such as beadwork and quilt making. They offer opportunities to begin the healing process by teaching clients how to use traditional practices through connections with traditional spiritual leaders and local medicine men.

  1. 34.1% or 1 in 4 Native American women will be raped in their lifetime:
  2. 92% of Native American girls who were on a date, were forced to have sex:
  3. 44% (probably higher) of victims are under the age of 18:
  4. 47% (probably higher) of rapists are a relative, friend/or acquaintance:
  5. 1 in 6 males will be Sexually Assaulted in their lifetime:
  6. Nearly 70% of all Sexual Assaults are never reported to Law Enforcement

How We Help

WBCWS has their basic budget for operating expenses and programs covered but lack the extra funding for clothing, toys, toiletries, and other needs for women and their children staying at the shelter. Lakota Friends Circle and partner groups are joining together to help meet those needs. LFC purchases diapers, toiletries, hygiene products and other needs through your donations. Our partner groups make or purchase blankets, toys, clothing, gift items, books, school supplies and many other things as needed. You can help White Buffalo Calf Women’s Society by making a donation to Lakota Friends Circle here and type WBCWS in the information box. If you would like to knit or crochet a blanket or send other needs to this organization please visit the individual partner sites located here where you can learn more about their current projects.

White Buffalo Calf Women’s Society

291 North Main Street (or PO Box 227 if using USPS)

Mission, SD 57555