For the Children of Pine Ridge Reservation, founded by Pam Little Sparrow in 2008, is a group of dedicated volunteers serving Lakota children and their families living on Reservations in South Dakota. Although our group is located on Ravelry and most of our members are proficient knitters and crocheters, we also work with other groups through Lakota Friends Circle and help provide clothing, food, diapers and many other essentials to families in need. Our group’s main focus is on the under-served areas of Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations. Please visit our group and join us as we work together making life just a little easier for those in need. In addition to working with partner groups serving White Buffalo Calf Women’s Society, Sacred Shawl Society, Maggie’s House and others we serve the following areas:
Rosebud Elementary School– We provide school supplies, shoes, clothing, blankets, winter hats, mittens and scarves and a Christmas gift to the 300+ students, Pre-K through grade 5, of Rosebud Elementary School on Rosebud Reservation in SD.
An Amazon Registry with up-to-date needs can be found here
OST Veteran’s Homeless Shelter – They defended us and our liberties, now they need our help. The shelter houses up to 13 men, each may stay up to 2 years. They’re provided a place to sleep and have access to a kitchen to prepare their own meals. Our group purchased a TV and game system and a computer for the recreation area. We help provide cleaning and kitchen supplies, pantry staples, clothing and a special holiday care package for each resident on Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans’ Day.
An Amazon Registry with up-to-date needs can be found here
Oglala Sioux Lakota Nursing Home – Located 6 miles South of Pine Ridge, this nursing home houses up to 60 seniors. Many never receive anything, not even a Christmas card. We provide them with lap blankets, wheelchair throws, activity books, twiddle muffs, nightwear, slippers, and toiletries. When the cooler months arrive, we will send scarves, hats, gloves, and shawls. For Christmas, we send them a “shoebox” with little gifts, and some hand-written cards.
An Amazon Registry is a handy way to gift useful items: Amazon Registry
Bright Start – Visiting Nurse Mary offers education and assistance to new mothers. She assesses the health and development of babies and toddlers. We provide her the many items babies need such as clothing, toiletries, diapers, nursing pillows and covers, blankets, and formula.
An Amazon Registry with up-to-date baby and mother needs can be found here
Rosebud Sioux Tribe Maternal and Child Health – Nurse Sandi Wilcox has a similar program to Bright Start. She covers three counties in the Mission, SD area. An Amazon Registry can be found here
White Buffalo Calf Women’s Society – Located in the Rosebud Reservation, we provide warm blankets, clothing, household items.